We welcome you to join the EGN global live webinar on November 18th, 2021, from 9.00 – 10:00 AM CET.
Meet Daniel Murray, who is a professional speaker and a leading expert on developing Strategic Empathy to drive purposeful performance. During this webinar, Daniel will talk about empathy as a capability you can, and must, build for success in the workplace.
Empathy is the capacity for a person to understand the rational and emotional drivers of others. When leaders and businesses can develop this skill to build and understanding of their employees, customers, and stakeholders, they are able to develop breakthrough competitive strategies and foster powerful teams through greater diversity and employee engagement.
Understanding why people do what they do is the most important and most challenging part of business today. The problem is that too many leaders are avoiding the tough conversations and walking past behavior that is destroying their culture.
Join this webinar as Daniel unpacks the challenges and key steps needed to become an empathic leader empowering performance through clarity and understanding. Daniel will provide inspiration for change, evidence-based tools for implementation and practical frameworks to encourage more empathy in your workplace.
Times adjusted for time zones:
9.00 – 10.00 AM Central European time (CET)
10.00 – 11.00 AM Helsinki time
2.00 – 3.000 PM Bangkok time
3.00 – 4.00 PM Hongkong time
5.00 – 6.00 PM Sydney time
7.00 – 8.00 PM New Zealand time
Daniel is a professional speaker and Australia’s leading expert on developing Strategic Empathy to drive purposeful performance. Through his Professional Presentations, Mastermind Groups and White Papers, Daniel is the number one authority on how leaders can build the commitment and trust to ensure they are a leader worth following.
Daniel has a degree in Mathematics and an MBA. He is a Management Consultant and has worked with some of Australia and New Zealand’s largest companies. Combining this strategic thinking with extensive research, study and a deep passion for neuroscience, psychology and behavioral economics, Daniel brings a unique focus to the rational, emotional, and contextual drivers that leaders need to master to deliver high performance through their teams, organizations and communities.
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