
Latest insights and knowledge from EGN

Below, you will find a collection of the most recent articles from EGN. The articles embrace a wide range of different topics –from leadership, culture, and personal development to current trends in the business world. 

Gair Maxwell is an expert in branding techniques

Why the story makes the legend in branding

Gair Maxwell, brand expert, has cracked the code to making any brand legendary. It´s about creating a story. “When the Mona Lisa was hanging in the Louvre some 114 years ago in 1910, there was not much attention to her. But that changed just a year later, when something extraordinary happened,” Gair Maxwell says. But

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How to overcome executive loneliness

Mental health issues are rising dramatically as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. The problem is particularly acute among business leaders, who’ve been under intense pressure the past six months. Many are now at or beyond breaking point.

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