A competent communications advisor needs to understand the business context of the organization

Anders Monrad Rendtorff is an expert in communication advisory. He is the author of a new book, titled “The communications advisor”. The book is for everyone, who works in communication, but particularly for communication advisors.

“The book seeks to answer the question, many communication advisors have, and that is: what competencies do I need to continue as a preferred advisor for top-level managers?”

This question is, according to Anders Monrad Rendtorff, important to ask these days, where a lot of roles  are changing, especially CEO´s and top-level managers.

The world of top-level managers is becoming increasingly complex

Today it is expected from CEO´s to speak to current societal affairs and share opinions on matters such as politics, environment, climate and so forth. Therefore it is important for advisors to stay enlightened in all matters. Anders Monrad Rendtorff speaks about the value of being able to give competent advice.

“You are only able to give out competent advise, if you posses knowledge on the matter, of which you speak. This is rather obvious, but it is easier said than done.”

Because a lot of CEO´s today are operating in a much broader and complex reality, communication means more and more. It is becoming increasingly harder to separate communication and leadership, and that makes the work of the advisor more complex

“It is a big challenge for an advisor to qualify as someone, who are worth taking advice from. They need to understand the world, the CEO is living in.”

The business context is essential to understand for the communications advisor

Anders Monrad Rendtorff believes that designing your way of advising is difficult, and to help with this he presents four essentials for understanding the business context., that will constitute the contents of the communications role. These can be useful for anyone working in communication, but especially for the communications advisor.

1 Macro: To understand the world and the key trends and global themes. What is going on regarding the environment, climate, geopolitics, global goalsand so forth?

2 Exo: To understand the specific industry and market. Who are the competitors for your organization? Is it a market on it´s way up or down? What is trending in this market?

3 Meso: To understand the organization and the strategy. How do you navigate the organization? Who oversees what? What are the structures? What are the culture? What are the key coalitions? What parts are performing?

4 Micro: To construct the communications department. How are you organized? How do you align your work with the overall strategi of the organization?

“If you understand all four levels, you will most likely be qualified to support and advise your top-level manager. Unfortunately, a lot of people underestimate, what gives the CEO´s sleepless nights. Way to often advisors spend time on small things, that has no relevance to the overall strategy of the organization,” Anders Monrad Rendtorff underlines and continues:

“Being proactive as an advisor is encouraged. Locate in advance those big events and decisions, that will make the CEO need advice. The more your presence is registered, the more you will be sought after as an advisor.”

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As in all functions, communication employees are put under a lot of pressure. The need to improve is all over, all the time, and it is easy to feel left behind. In EGN´s professional peer groups for communication employees we address new tendencies and tools. Through sparring and sharing of knowledge, you´ll find inspiration to excel in your function. Read more about our peer groups right here.